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Welcome to Krudtuglen

We are an integrated day care center.

We are specified to 10 children in the day nursery and 25 children in the kindergarten.

Besides that, we also have an after-school center for grades 0-4, and now also an after-school club offer for grades 5-7.

With this website, we want to give you the opportunity to follow our day to day doings, but also some of our activities.

If you, as a parent, are having to choose an institution – either day-nursery, kindergarten, or our after-school center for your child, then you are – besides exploring these pages - always welcome to contact us or visit us in Krudtuglen.

We offer an open and appreciatively collaboration, so if you have anything in mind, you are always very welcome to have a dialogue with one of us.

We are very excited to meet you.

Kind regards


Kirkebyvej 11

Sdr. Nissum

6990 Ulfborg

Phone: +45 97 49 62 00

Mail: krudtuglensdr@mail.com

Leader: Maja Vindum Knudsen

Phone: +45 21 29 50 92

Opening hours in Krudtuglen:

Monday – Thursday: 6.15-17.00

Friday: 6.15-15.45

The day starts at 6.15, where the children begin to arrive.

Until 8, breakfast is served for the children that are hungry, and hasn’t had breakfast at home.

All children, that arrive in this time period will be gathered in the kindergarten, where they eat, play and have fun across all ages.

At 7.40, we send the schoolchildren off to school, with the schoolbus

At 8, we go to our own parts of the house.

Between 9 and 9.30 it’s fruit time, where we cut the fruit into smaller, bite-size pieces, so the children can try multiple different things.

Between 9.30 and 11 AM, we go for a walk, have a feature day or other educational initiatives.

Around 11, the day-nursery will serve food for the children – either ryebread, porridge or a hot dish.

The Kindergarten kids will eat their own lunch, witch have been brougt with them from home.

After the food, it is naptime for most of the children.

The nursery children will sleep in their own pram, outdoor in our nursery garden, where we do superwise them all the time.

The Kindergarten children will sleep in the bedroom, where we are in the next room whilst sleeping.

Around 2 PM, we serve an afternoon snack. Afterwards it’s play time – preferably outside.


Krudtuglen Sdr. Nissum

Kirkebyvej 11

Sdr. Nissum

6990 Ulfborg

